Axoplasma EP

Axoplasma EP (Click to enlarge)

Release Date

Q3 / 2010 (tbd.)


Axoplasma EP (Click to enlarge)
Cov­er idea of the upcom­ing Axo­plas­ma EP

Preliminary Tracklist

(sub­ject to occa­sion­al modifications)

Brief description of the tracks

    • Defy­ing Bound­aries pro­vides a calm arrange­ment with hints of ambi­ent and chill-out. Slight rhyth­mic shifts keep it in a con­stant state of flux.
    • Name Lag (ana­gram of Game­lan) com­bines Bali­nese Game­lan sounds like tra­di­tion­al met­al­lo­phones and ket­tle gongs with pure elec­tron­ic syn­the­siz­er sounds, east­ern and west­ern scales, hyp­not­ic pat­terns and raw breaks.
    • Film­tapete is a dark sound­track suit­able for cin­e­mat­ic apoc­a­lypses and sci-fi. It pro­vides wide sound­scapes and metal­lic indus­tri­al sounds mixed with urban rhythms.
    • Leav­ing the solar sys­tem far behind, Across Kuiper Belt is the sound­track for inter­stel­lar journeys.
    • Some­where between Melod­ic Ambi­ent and Big Beat (but orig­i­nal­ly intend­ed as a trance track), this is Antiport.
    • Unre­spon­sive has no spe­cif­ic melody or rhythm. Sev­er­al — part­ly aton­al — lay­ers pro­duce an ever-chang­ing soundscape.
    • Inner Con­flicts
    • Rock­et Sci­ence