Nox (Interframe Space Mix)

This remix of Nox starts as a lo-fi elec­tro track. But sud­den­ly it mutates into a pro­gres­sive tech­no club track.

Nox (Interframe Space Mix)

Down­load MP3 (192 kbit/s) or play in Brows­er Window:

[audio:|titles=Axoplasma — Nox (Inter­frame Space Mix)] 

Update: »Name Lag« Pre-Release

The sec­ond track of the upcom­ing Axo­plas­ma EP is avail­able as pre-release:

Name Lag

Name Lag (ana­gram of Game­lan) com­bines Bali­nese Game­lan sounds like tra­di­tion­al met­al­lo­phones and ket­tle gongs with pure elec­tron­ic syn­the­siz­er sounds, east­ern and west­ern scales, hyp­not­ic pat­terns and raw breaks.

Down­load MP3 (192 kbit/s) or play in Brows­er Window:
[audio:|titles=Axoplasma — Name Lag (Pre-Release)]

More infor­ma­tion on Axo­plas­ma EP can be found here.


New draft, voy­age into big beats

Lis­ten to the mp3:

[wpau­dio url=»« text=»Axoplasma — Nox (Draft V8)« dl=»0«]

Tem­po: 122 bpm

Update (2010−01−10): punchi­er bass drum and adjust­ed levels