Filmtapete (Re-Mastered)

A dark sound­track suit­able for cin­e­mat­ic apoc­a­lypses and sci-fi. It pro­vides wide sound­scapes and metal­lic indus­tri­al sounds mixed with urban rhythms.

Film­tapete was one of the first tracks I wrote for Axo­plas­ma. And although I am still pos­i­tive about its struc­ture and atmos­phere, the over­all sound cer­tain­ly lacked of clar­i­ty and punch. So this is the result of a com­plete re-mas­ter­ing with focus on tonal bal­an­cy, tran­sients and loud­ness. I hope you like it! 🙂

Axoplasma — Filmtapete (Re-Mastered)

More infor­ma­tion on the upcom­ing Axo­plas­ma EP can be found here.

Author: mf

Axoplasma member